How to Fill Verifier Form NICOP?


Fill Verifier Form NICOP
Fill Verifier Form NICOP

There are certain things which you should consider at the time of filling a verifier form.  So, in this article, following points will be covered:-

  1. How to fill a Verifier Form NICOP?
  2. FAQs about filling a verifier form NICOP. 

How to fill a Verifier Form NICOP?

To fill a Verifier Form, you must follow the instructions mentioned on a Verifier Form for NICOP. The instructions which are mentioned on Verifier Form for NICOP are as under:-



1.     The information provided in form must not differ from information submitted in online application form. In case, the information provided in form is incorrect, incomplete or different from the information provided in online application form, your application may be delayed or rejected. We strongly recommend that you ensure information is correct before uploading your form.

2.     Use Black Ink paid to capture the fingerprint impressions on the form.

3. Ensure that the fingerprint impressions are within the boundaries of the designated field or box and are according to the specifications mentioned in the guideline.

4.     Ensure notations re made for any missing fingerprints (i.e Amputation)

5.     Ensure that the form is printed on A4/Letter page size.

6.     This must be scanned at least 600dpi. The form size must not exceed 10 MB.


Following the instructions, you should affix thumb impressions/finger prints, sign and date it in the relevant places. 


Be noted, when affixing thumb impressions/ finger prints, affix your thumb impressions/ finger prints only in the boxes which are blanks.


You should not affix your thumb impressions/ fingerprints in the boxes which are labeled as “NOT REQUIRED”



Click here to know how to upload Verifier Form NICOP


Click here  for sample of Verifier Form NICOP  


Who can be verifier for NICOP?

Anyone, having CNIC/NICOP can be verifier for NICOP.

How many verifier names are required to be provided during the online application for NICOP?

The detail of only two verifiers are required to be given during online application for NICOP like their names, ID Card numbers, Contact numbers.

Do verifiers also need their signatures on the verifier form?

Verifiers/ witnesses need not to sign or thumb impress on the verifier form.

How many thumb impressions/ finger prints you being an applicant need to place on verifier form?

The number of thumb impressions/fingerprints may vary from person to person. Except those boxes labeled as “NOT REQUIRED”, all the boxes should be filled with required thumb impressions/ finger prints.

How many signatures of applicant for NICOP are required to be placed on a Verifier Form NICOP?

Just one signature of applicant is required to be placed on a Verifier Form NICOP.

Where and how to place your thumb impression/ finger prints?

The relevant thumb impression or finger print should only be placed in the blanks boxes and direction of each thumb impression/finger print should be from down to up and not bent to any other side. Be noted, your each finger print should be very much clear and not amputated/blurred.

What colour of Ink Pad should you use for capturing your finger prints?

Use bank inkpad to capture the finger print impression on the form.

Which signature should you place on verifier Form and Where to place?

You should place only that signature which is available in NADRA’s record. The signature should be placed within in the box reserved for signature with comment “Applicant’s signature”. Also write date, month and year just below your signature in the relevant spaces.

What colour of pen you should use for signature?

Although, no specific instructions regarding colour of pen is given on the Verifier Form but I personally submitted a Verifier Form NICOP, on which the applicant signed with Black colour of pen. On this form no objection was raised by NADRA. Hence you can use black pen to sign.

In online application for NICOP, Is there an option to upload “NICOP Verifier Form”?

No, during online application you will find the only word “Data Acquisition Form” in upload option.

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