Know CNIC number by Name |
If you want
to know CNIC number of any one by only his/her name, it is not possible
because neither NADRA nor any other official or non official website provides
this facility.
Suppose, if there had been such like any facility on a website to
find out CNIC number using name & father
name, still it would have been very difficult to search a CNIC number by
entering the name and or father name belongs to such CNIC number.
There are
alot of persons in
However, on
the other hand, if you have CNIC number of any person, you can get his/her name
and father name by writing CNIC number in SMS option and sending the same to
"7000" . In reply , you will receive a message by NADRA displaying the
name / father name of person whose CNIC number was sent to "7000".