Does having a NICOP mean dual Nationality? - NADRA Box


Does having a NICOP mean Dual Nationality
Does having a NICOP mean Dual Nationality

No, it is not necessary that a NICOP holder must be a dual national. A NICOP holder may or may not be a dual national.  


There are certain cases, in which a NICOP holder may be a dual national and there are many other cases, in which a NICIOP holder may not be a dual national.


In what Cases, a NICOP holder is a dual national?


If a Pakistan citizen intends to proceed to a foreign country, which has dual nationality arrangement with Pakistan, for study or employment, he would generally require NICOP.


Suppose, such Pakistani Citizen has obtained NICOP and the country in which is proceeding is United Kingdom (UK).


If later on, such NICOP holder acquires the nationality UK, he has become dual national of both the countries (Pakistan as well as UK). 


Keep in mind, the countries which are not listed in dual nationality arrangement/ agreement do not allow Pakistan Citizen / NICIOP Holder to get citizenship of their country without first renouncing/ surrendering citizenship of Pakistan.


For obtaining citizenship of such countries (not in dual nationality arrangement), a Pakistan citizen must have to renounce / surrender his/her citizenship of Pakistan.


In what Cases, a NICOP holder is not a dual national?


If any Pakistan citizen has renounced/surrendered his/ her citizenship of Pakistan for obtaining citizenship of another country which is not listed in dual nationality arrangement, it means he is no longer eligible to hold NICOP. 


Suppose a Pakistan Citizen has renounced his nationality of Pakistan and acquired the nationality of South Africa (being not listed in dual nationality agreement), such person is not a dual national (Pakistan & south Africa), he/she is only national of South Africa because he/she is not eligible for NICOP and cannot possess the same.                             

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