How to fill Data Acquisition Form NADRA?

How to Fill Data Acquisition Form NADRA
How to Fill Data Acquisition Form NADRA

In this article, I have explained the way How to fill Data Acquisition Form NADRA.

Before explaining the procedure about filling up Data Acquisition Form NADRA, I would like to clarify that Data Acquisition Form is of various types. 

When we talk about Data Acquisition Form for FRC, it means “Fingerprint Acquisition Form” and when we talk about Data Acquisition Form for NICOP, it means “Verifier Form”.

Either you want to fill Fingerprint Acquisition Form or Verifier Form, the process and requirement are almost same. Both, Fingerprint Acquisition Form and Verifier Form have their respective instructions mentioned on them.

To know the specific instructions and requirements to fill up each form, click on the relevant link from the following links:-

Click here to know how to fill Fingerprint Acquisition Form/ Data Acquisition Form

Click here to know how to fill Verifier Form / Data Acquisition Form



Who can attest Nadra Data Acquisition Form?

There is no need to have the Data Acquisition Form attested by any person as no such kind of requirement is mentioned on a Data Acquisition Form. I myself has applied many applications online and submitted Data Acquitting form without getting it attested from anyone.

If you have incorrectly filled a Data Acquisition Form, what would its impact?

If you have incorrectly filled a Data Acquisition Form and submitted your application. The NADRA representative may email and or call you with the request to provide another Data Acquisition Form which is properly filled and if you have not complied with the direction/request, your application may be refused.

Which signature should you place on Data Acquisition Form?

You should place only that signature which are in the record of NADRA so that same can be easily verified without any objection..

Do all the fingerprints/ thumb impression need to be placed on Data Acquisition Form?

No, it is not necessary for you to place all fingerprints/ thumb impression on a Data Acquisition Form. Only those boxes which are blank, should be filled with relevant thumb impressions/ finger prints.

What is meant by "NOT REQUIRED" in a Data Acquisition Form?

Mentioning of "NOT REQUIRED" on a specific box(es) means no thumb impression or finger print is required to be placed in that particular box(es). Simply leave it as it is.


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